Thoughts behind course reviews

In my profession, dentistry, many aspects are not as transparent as we are used to seeing in our day to day. Colleagues often are afraid to voice their opinions for fear of being judged. I speak from my example – many of times when I had a negative opinion about a product or a course that I have attended, my “professional” self would say: “Well, he/she put so much time into this, who am I to judge” or “before I judge something, I need to come up with something worth judging and see how it is on the other side” or “it is unprofessional” etc… And in reality, most of the speakers in our industry are not making millions from speaking engagements and many do it for the pure passion for the profession.
My thought about starting a blog/vlog to review the courses was not to belittle or judge the efforts of my colleagues, but rather provide a concise, on point, centralized way for my other colleagues and friends to get a glimpse of what they are entering without the time and monetary commitment required to attend a given course.

The cost to attend such courses are usually measured in thousands of dollars between the registration fees (which are usually hyper inflated for what you get) to accommodations, travel expenses, lost revenue cost from closing the business, time, time away from family, sometimes having to bring your family with you. I WISH there was a review platform with wet-fingered dentist giving feedback.
There are forums online already with dentists sharing their experiences, but the forum format leaves the information in disarray and un-organized. Often subject to conformation bias, the course might get bad rep because a prominent poster didn’t like something.

Here I want to provide a concise review with few nuggets that I took away, express my opinion if it was worth the money and time and maybe share a few hacks or strategies that I found worked for me.
Hope to be of service to my fellow dental assasins.

C-Bug, DDS

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