November 17, 2022
Packing Light For Travels

We LOVE to travel. And traveling with 2 kids has now become a chore. So ANYTHING to simplify our lives when it comes to traveling is a blessing. In the past I have embraced a semi-minimalist lifestyle and have worked on downsizing my wardrobe to some simple choices. I take a lot of inspirations from […]

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October 28, 2022
Dental Insurance vs Medical and which plan should I choose?

Someone smarter than me told this about dental insurances. Imagine you are playing in the yard with a chainsaw. An accident happens and the chainsaw chops off all of your fingers. You collect the pieces and shop up in the ER. The nurse first laughs at you then proceeds to explain to you how the […]

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October 28, 2022
$$ bill me later $$

In this post I wanted to discuss the economics on “bill me later policy” that many medical and/or dental offices subscribe to. I have inherited the policy and despite what my consultants have told me, kept it for the fear of alienating the patients and loosing them (…Oh the almighty elusive patient god, how can […]

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October 20, 2022
Short term rentals.

My wife caught real a estate bug. Not that I am opposed to it, on the contrary, I believe the RE to be one of the pillars on investing and diversified portfolio. We have been trying to decide for a long time what route to choose: flips, long term rentals, vacation rentals, inside US, outside […]

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October 20, 2022
Budgeting for relationships.

… introducint YNAB. There are few budgeting apps out there; two that come to mind are YNAB and MINT. My financial education was and is rudimentary. My parents did not teach us money they way Kiyosaki does in his “Rich Dad Poor Dad” book, rather – we either had money, or we didn’t and had […]

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October 15, 2022
FAGD Exam and Prep Course Review

So I got FAGD’ last weekend and wanted to give my two cents on how the experience went. Overall my thoughts on the prep course are of two minds. First – yes, it was good to review the material as I would have not done such a thorough job on my own. Second, I found […]

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October 14, 2022
Flossing technique guaranteed to rid you of cavities…

…well maybe not quite guaranteed, but the fact that you are here is a great first step and at least we are getting the ball rolling in the right direction. Historically I was not brought up with the best oral habits, but it all changed with proper education, mixed with enough determination, and fear… yes, […]

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October 13, 2022
Thoughts behind course reviews

In my profession, dentistry, many aspects are not as transparent as we are used to seeing in our day to day. Colleagues often are afraid to voice their opinions for fear of being judged. I speak from my example – many of times when I had a negative opinion about a product or a course […]

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August 3, 2022
Hello world!

My name is Ruslan Maidans I am a practicing dentist in a small town of Groton, CT. I am a husband and a father of two beautiful daughters. I have a dry sense of humor, which not many get to see, but I always say as long as at least one person is laughing at […]

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